Alexandria Criner

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Getting The Courage To Try Something New

A lot of my photography style revolves around two very specific items, my Nikon FE2 and a roll of Ilford Black and White 400 film. This isn’t to say that I haven’t used any other materials or cameras, but the most consistent materials are a film camera and a roll of black and white film.

Last summer I got the bright idea to start experimenting with color film and different types of film isos. I had five rolls of Portra 400 and a roll of Portra 800. I was halfway through the first roll when my shutter got stuck. It wasn’t my best moment as a photographer. There were a few solid days of paranoia and excessively watching Youtube videos, but I managed to get the shutter unstuck without exposing all of my film to light. It was a win, win because some of those photos were beautiful, but I think that was the moment I realized I had to have a better understanding of my craft.

Almost a year went by before I really had the courage to start shooting again, rather before I was inspired to shoot again. I had plenty of opportunity because I don’t travel anywhere without my camera, but it wasn’t until I went to Denver and the Rockies before I picked it up. It’s probably because that area is picturesque, but I learned something after the development. You don’t need to be inspired to take photographs, you just have to take your camera out. To be fair, there were some good quality photos in that bunch, but there was also a lot of boring pictures. The vibrancy wasn’t there. That gritty quality that only a black and white photo could give you wasn’t there. I again had another realization...figure out what you’re doing!

That process, figuring out what you’re doing, is easier said than done. I figured out I wanted to experiment with different types of film. Bought more film, done! I figured out I wanted to be a better photo editor...that’s going to take some time. There’s a lot more I figured out I wanted to do, but that comes with the territory of wanting to do anything in life.

The first step is always to begin. Sometimes things are going to be a little rough, but in the end, it’ll all turn out alright.